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Navigating Procrastination

Every week, we bring you a curated list of articles hand-picked by industry veteran Kristan Wojnar to help you grow your investment advisory practice. Follow our Practice Management Channel to differentiate yourself with new ideas and build enduring client relationships.

Whether you are the one procrastinating or your clients, we’ve got you covered this week with strategies to conquer this common obstacle. First up, we have a piece that helps you with clients who may be dragging their feet on decision-making. Next, we have a piece that will help both you and your clients overcome procrastination. Our last piece for this week provides tangible tips for clients to get their finances in order.

Managing clients who chronically procrastinate can be frustrating. This piece provides tips for clients to become more responsive and proactive.

This author says procrastination is something we all do from time-to-time. It provides 5 helpful tips to trick your mind into overcoming procrastination. Try using these strategies to overcome procrastinating in your advisory business.

Whether you have clients, prospects or their adult children who may be procrastinating getting their finances in order, this is a great piece to share to help them take action.