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Nearly 60-Year-Increasing Yield Household Products Specialist’s Position Increased in Best Consumer Staples Dividend Stocks List

Simply put, investors are craving stability. High inflation, geopolitical issues and rising rates are all increasing the chance for recession in the new year. To that end, consumer staples have drawn much interest, and our latest Best Consumer Staples Dividend Stocks List pick – with its nearly six decades’ worth of dividend growth – happens to be chock full of stability.

Our pick focuses on the household products and personal care segment of the market. With numerous top brands under its belt, our pick has continued to dominate its niche. By offering products in the sweet spot (i.e., not value oriented or premium in nature), our pick has been able to enact plenty of pricing power on its consumers. This has helped in various economic conditions like today.

Meanwhile, the firm continues to lower its costs, hedge away currency risk and find growth via a potential spin-out. The end result is a stock that has plenty of stability of current payouts as well as the potential for additional dividend increases down the line.

In addition to our consumer products name, we’ve also increased our position in a diversified food manufacturer while decreasing positions in a snack food producer and another household products play.

You can check out the Best Consumer Staples Dividend Stocks List to explore all the stocks.

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