Diversify your portfolio while optimizing potential returns with a newly added dividend champ, a well-covered mid-cap eREIT! Holding an impressive 11-year streak of increasing dividends, it ranks in the top 10% of all dividend stocks. Plus, the recent three-year dividend per share CAGR of 18% makes it a stand-out contender, putting it in the top 40% of all dividend stocks.
Its low correlation with equity markets (beta: 0.94) promises a beneficial diversification, as it has already delivered an 11% return YTD – outperforming the eREIT industry by a wide margin.
An icing on the cake: the upcoming, unchanged non-qualified payout of $1.250/share going ex-dividend this Thursday.
For a complete, in-depth analysis of this stock, stay tuned. We balance dividend safety, returns risk, and yield attractiveness to bring you the best dividend growth stocks – for the investor who understands that steady growth wins the race!