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Water Utility With an Impressive Dividend Streak Named ss Top Pick

Unlock a wonderful opportunity in the water industry and reap the rewards from the surge in infrastructure spending hitting the nation with our new pick. Owning a vast water utility network that serves over a million customers in nine states, this industry leader features one of the most impressive dividend streaks in the entire market over the past 60 years. With a forward 2.22% yield and 8.94% three-year annual dividend growth rate, our new pick has continued to support its shareholders by providing strong current and growing income throughout its history.

Our comprehensive analysis delves into the company’s yield strength and returns potential, highlighting why it’s a top “Buy” recommendation.

Expect detailed insights on key performance indicators such as dividend safety and sentiment strength. For dividend growth investors, this stock represents a compelling addition to any portfolio, offering a blend of income stability and market outperformance. Stay tuned for the full analysis to make an informed investment decision.

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