There are a few sectors where over the long haul being conservative pays off in a big way – this includes the banking sector. Our latest Best Dividend Stocks Model Portfolio pick is a prime example of that. As its rivals struggled during the Great Recession, our pick quietly sat back and grew, making it one of the largest banking institutions on the planet. And investors have won big too with over a decade’s worth of dividend growth!
You can check out the Best Dividend Stocks Model Portfolio to explore all the stocks.
At the end of the day, our pick has been a stalwart of traditional banking: aka gathering deposits and making loans. The key has been its ability to leverage its size to do that in a major way, with wealth management, trust and other services providing additional boosts.
Our pick’s conservatism continues to work today as well. Thanks to its steady and stalwart nature, our pick recently wrapped up a major transaction to purchase assets from a struggling rival. This provides plenty of additional deposits and core banking operations to its bottom line.
All in all, our major money center bank is often passed over for its more flashy rivals; however, for smart investors, our pick is the real top choice for the long haul.