As energy demand continues to grow, natural gas is quickly becoming the bridge fuel to meet the world’s energy needs. And with that demand growing, the firms that own the vital infrastructure needed to ship and export the fuel are gaining in importance as well. This includes our latest Best High Dividend Stocks Model Portfolio pick. As one of the pioneers of the natural gas world, our pick has continued to see its star shine and support investors with over five years’ worth of dividend growth!
You can check out the Best High Dividend Stocks Model Portfolio to explore all the stocks.
Our pick is one of the largest midstream firms in the nation, with thousands of miles’ worth of pipelines, terminals and storage assets across the country. This vital infrastructure runs on fee-based revenues, protecting our pick from volatile commodity pricing and creating a stable flow of cash into its bottom line.
Growth can be had at our pick as well. With a major focus on natural gas, our pick has evolved into other areas of the market such as LNG storage and shipment. These assets have brought expanding cash flow to our pick and allowed it to produce enviable cash flow growth.
All in all, our pick makes for a top-notch high-yield stock with a dose of stability and growth.