Where you are on the capital stack is what matters most in lending and investing – the higher you are, the less risk you have. However, yields can also be lower due to less risk apetite. But for our latest Best Monthly Dividend Stocks List pick, its ability to provide a plethora of financing solutions across different financing solutions has continued to support its cash flow and hefty 11% monthly yield!
You can check out the Best Monthly Dividend Stocks List to explore all the stocks.
The secret to our firm’s success has been its private equity sponsor. With its partner funneling supported deals its way, our pick has been able to reduce its risk and build out a portfolio of rock-solid loans. The best part is that these loans take a variety of different forms, from asset-based senior loans to mezzanine debt. The combination has helped produce strong risk-adjusted cash flow to its bottom line. The focus on floating rate debt has also helped as the Fed has raised rates.
Meanwhile, the firm continues to benefit from merger synergies, partnerships and additional equity stakes in other smaller specialized finance vehicles.
In the end, our pick features a great way for investors to boost their monthly income and juice the overall yield of their portfolio.