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Despite Promises, Large Shareholder's Aren't "Rocking the Boat"

Environmental, social, and governance investing has grown from a cottage industry to a full-blown force. With trillions of dollars under ESG mandates across the world, the sector is here to stay. As such, the movement is beginning to change beyond simple exclusionary and data-based indexing. In this case, ESG proponents are taking a page out of activists’ playbooks. We are talking about influencing policy and ESG changes through proxy voting.

However, despite all the talk, it turns out that larger shareholders are not doing that – and the voting records show a different story.

And now with many index fund sponsors giving the shareholders the right to vote, ESG’s influence on corporate boards may be failing.

Be sure to check out our ESG Channel to learn more.

ESG In the Last Proxy Season

A Shift In Voting

ESG Proxy Influence May Fade Away