Dividend.com has long been the web’s leading destination for finding information about income and dividend opportunities. One of our more popular features has been the ticker pages. Here, investors can find all sorts of pertinent information on common stocks, real estate investment trusts (REITs), ADRs and master limited partnerships (MLPs.)
However, something was missing.
Given the explosion in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and mutual fund adoption by income seekers, we at Dividend.com decided to up our game. We’re excited to announce that we’ve extended our prolific coverage to include dividend-focused ETFs and mutual funds. Moreover, we’ve completely overhauled our most popular theme pages to include dividend-focused ETFs and mutual funds. Now you can search your favorite themes – like monthly payers, technology dividend stocks and REITs – and see ETF and mutual fund alternatives along with common stocks.
With our expanded coverage, Dividend.com continues to cement its place as a leading destination for investors of all sizes.
New ETF Ratings & Revamped Investment Themes
The core of Dividend.com’s ticker pages, investment themes and popular lists has been our proprietary Dividend.com Rating system. Our model uses five metrics to score the suitability of an investment for income investors. With the expanded coverage, we’ve now applied that ratings system to ETFs. Now, investors have the ability to research over 200 dividend-paying ETFs and how they stack up against others in terms of overall rating, yield attractiveness and valuation among other metrics.
With our newly expanded security coverage, you can start building your portfolio from scratch or rebalance your existing portfolio in a systematic manner.
To use this information in your investment decisions, funds will list below the list of stocks on every investment theme page. This makes each theme page a one-stop shop to explore all possible investment options.
Are you looking to add some technology growth and income to your portfolio to take advantage of sectoral trends? With our theme pages you can quickly compare a dividend stock in the technology industry like Apple (AAPL) with a broader tech-ETF like the Invesco QQQ (QQQ).
All in all, we now provide you with 20 different dividend-related data points to use and compare your favorite picks. With all the data, metrics and our proprietary rating system, you can hone in on the investment options that make the most sense for you.
But that’s not all. There are numerous ways in which you can customize your research.
Consider using the new filters intended to help you cut the clutter and only see the:
- Top-rated picks, or
- Picks expected to increase (or decrease) and those that have already announced to increase (or decrease) their dividends.
Because Dividend.com Rating system and dividend data move in real time, our expanded coverage can be used to make adjustments and shifts to your portfolio as economic and market changes occur.
The Bottom Line
Dividend.com was already the leading resource for income-focused investing – and now it’s even better. The added benefit of exploring dividend-focused ETFs and mutual funds in addition to stocks allows investors to make informed portfolio related decisions.
We would love to hear from you about these new updates. Keep an eye on this space for more awesome features aimed at making your investment journey all the more enjoyable. So, keep spreading the word and tell your friends and families.