Every week, we bring you a curated list of articles hand-picked by industry veteran Kristan Wojnar to help you grow your investment advisory practice. Follow our Practice Management Channel to differentiate yourself with new ideas and build enduring client relationships.
The discussion of financial matters and emotions go hand in hand. It’s nearly impossible to separate the two. This week, we are highlighting this important topic and drilling down on discussing emotions, showing empathy and how money can impact your clients’ mental health. While this topic may make some clients slightly uncomfortable, it must be embraced or ignored at your own peril.
A recent study uncovered that clients are just as likely to hire a financial advisor for emotional reasons as financial reasons. This article examines how to show your clients and prospects you’re emotionally compatible, as well as open to make feelings part of your relationship from the onset.
How to understand clients and respond to both their needs and emotions has become more important than ever, especially as clients move through life stages. This piece explains that learning to grow your empathy will help you grow your business.
This article states that there are strong links between financial wellness and mental health. Many Americans are stressed about finances and finding an empathetic financial advisor is critical. This piece shares the cycle of money and mental health problems, as well as ideas on how to help support clients who may suffer from mental health conditions.