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Dividend Stocks Tools

Best Dividend Stocks

The Best Dividend Stocks List contains compelling dividend-paying stocks that have been thoroughly vetted and picked using’s proprietary DARS™ rating criteria. The stocks featured on the list are geared toward traditional long-term investors looking to boost their current income stream, while at the same time maintaining a relatively low-risk profile.

Ex-Dividend Date Search

Investors can use the Ex-Dividend Date Search tool to track stocks that are going ex-dividend during a specific date range. Ex-dividend dates are extremely important in dividend investing, because you must own a stock before its ex-dividend date in order to be eligible to receive its next dividend.

Best Dividend Capture Stocks

Our Best Dividend Capture Stocks list is based on our proprietary dividend capture rating, which studies the historical pace of a stock’s price recovery after its payout. Stocks on the Best Dividend Capture Stocks List can be bought one day prior to their ex-dividend date, held until the following trading day and sold as soon as the stock price recovers back to the cum-dividend (CD) price.

Dividend Assistant

The Dividend Assistant tool allows you to link your brokerage account or manually add your holdings in order to organize and track all dividend income for the upcoming 12 months. Investors can visualize the size of their dividend payments, which holding(s) the payment is from, and the certainty of the payment (confirmed vs estimated).

Dividend Stock Screener

The Dividend Stock Screener is an advanced search tool that allows investors to screen dividend-paying stocks to match their investment objectives. The universe of stocks can be filtered by several distinct criteria such as Sector, Industry, Market Cap, DARS™ rating, Annual Dividend Payout, Ex-Dividend Date and Dividend Payout Frequency.

My Watchlist

The Watchlist tool helps investors to make informed investment decisions by enabling them to manage the stocks on their Watchlist and track the performance of the stocks. Investors can receive email alerts for several events related to the stocks on their Watchlist.

Compounding Returns Calculator

Investors can plug in the desired values in the Compounding Returns Calculator and find out how much their money can grow by investing in dividend-paying stocks over the long run.

Dividend Payout Changes

Investors can find a list of companies that recently announced changes in their payout policies, along with their ex-dividend dates, in our Dividend Payout Changes and Announcements tool. Investors can find all of the dividend increases, decreases, initiations, suspensions, updates and regular dividend announcements for a given day.

Monthly Income Generator

The Monthly Income Generator tool helps investors pick stocks based on the months in which they make dividend payouts. If investors are looking at dividends for income, then this tool is a must-have!

Dividend Portfolios

The Dividend Portfolios tool allows investors to automatically generate dividend stock portfolios that suit their investment goals and circumstances. All of the stocks listed in the sample portfolios have achieved a “Recommended” or higher rating from our rigorous DARS™ rating criteria.